When you think things can't get any better, something like tonight happens...
I wish everyone could know what great joy a family can be to each other, and because of it, to all whom they touch. In addition to many wonderfully thoughtful Christmas gifts this year, Molly and Shannon's gift was to get the family to spend time together, enjoying things that they love. So, Shannon planned an outing for the boys, from William (age 4) to Grandad (he looks younger than he is :), to an Atlanta Hawks game on the Tuesday after Christmas. At the same time, Molly took the girls (including me) to dinner and on a

The girls had such a good time together that they couldn't stand to part, so off they went to Morgan's house for a spend-the-night party to finish off the evening.
Grandad came home shortly after I arrived. He said it was a great game and all the guys had a good time. He said he was proud of William sitting still and watching the
game for so long. Of course, the guys didn't take many pictures (maybe a cell phone view) but nevertheless, the camaraderie was apparent. Christmas keeps on giving!

Note: Morgan is climbing competitively, and we will be watching her success with much interest! This picture of her was taken for the Urban Core Youth Climbing Program Brochure.
Brave young women! Looks like fun.
What a fun night we had. Thanks for capturing it for us to remember in years to come. bo
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