I don't know if I told you or not, but we are here in Maine with the American College of Civil Trial Mediators (boy, that's a mouth full!). Terrence has been a member of this group for several years and we have come to know and enjoy spending time with others who attend. Yesterday, after they finished meetings in the early afternoon, we were transported to Rockport (via trolley) where we shopped, ate lunch (more lobster!), took in the Farnsworth Art

Museum (saw wonderful paintings by Andrew Wyeth), then boarded a boat for a leisurely ride from the Rockport Harbor up the coast to Belfast Harbor.
We returned (a little wind blown), with tons of boat pictures and pictures of my Breakwater Lighthouse (others as well), to have dinner as a group before boarding the trolley back to the resort. All in all a pretty nice day.
Beautiful images! Email me that pic of you and dad - it won't enlarge. What did you think on Wyeth's art? I love his perspectives and detail - so jealous you got to go to the museum (It was closed when we went through.) I saw a Wyeth exhibit at the MET once and bought a book of his stuff, but page-size prints don't do those paintings justice.
See you in two days!!
No I can't get the picture to
enlarge either. Looks like a good
one. What a wonderful experience.
Kate (and Mom)...Andrew Wyeth is amazing! I couldn't comprehend how he could get such detail in his sea shells, grass, wood grains etc., using water colors and tempera paints. He has now become a painter I want to learn more about.
Tell you the truth girls; I'm glad the picture on the trolley won't blow up. I didn't like it, but it completed my story of the day.
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