Thirty-one years ago today, we were married in a simple little church wedding, with only close family and a few very close friends in attendance. We literally marked out the word "divorce" from our home dictionaries and promised that we would be loyal to each other forever. He lifted me up from a painful past and made me more than I ever thought I could be. He needed me. He has loved my children and has been a faithful, consistent father to them, as well as to his own. Because of his steadfastness, we were able to join our families together, and the rewards have been great. He has always put a high value on what I do in support of our lives together and has been hard-working and a good provider, always letting me know that what was his was freely mine. I think the most important thing is that he sits next to me in Church on Sunday mornings, and sometimes when things go wrong, he reaches for my hand at night and says a simple little prayer.
Oh, I don't mean to say that he is perfect, I'm just saying he is perfect for me. His core is good and I know I am a lucky woman to have his love and devotion. I've never questioned that for one minute and am free to tell the world, as free as I am to be who I am.
So here's to you, Terrence. Personal as it is, I sing your praises on this our Anniversary, and I ask the same question that we have asked each other every year on this day..."Will you marry me again? Sign up for another year?"... I await your answer, but together, I think we have found what forever means...
Happy Anniversary to us,
happy anniversary! kim
Sherm and I wish you a Happy Anniversary.
Love you guys so much. Happy 31st!
You have enriched each other. I am so glad God found it fit to to bring your paths together. I think it was love at first site for Terr. I know how it feels to be lifted up. We are two blessed women. We love you both, Ju and Lu
Me had one!
To my lovely wife of 31derful years, "Yes, I will be married with you for another year, with pleasure." I love you. Terr.
To - Kim, Kate, Judy and Sherm - Thanks!
To Sister Judy - Thank good for a God who hears our prayers. Thank you for all your love and support.
To Mom - You taught me well about being a wife and gave me a perfect example for marriage. I am grateful!
To My Dear Husband - Your question at dinner...YES, YES, YES! Guess we've signed on for another year.:)
You two worry me to death-----
Please sign up for life----
day late and a dollar short as they say, but happy anniversary to you both. you deserve the best together.
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