Tonight, I decided to stay up until 2 am waiting for a predicted meteor shower that I found out about on the Internet. I had a nice fire in the cabin, I made a batch of oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies, and I waited until it was time to go out in the cold.

At 2am I bundled up for the 17-degree weather, put on a headlamp and earmuffs, turned out all the lights, and outside I went. It took a while to adjust to the elements. It was so dark and I must admit it felt a little scary with the lights off. I walked across the bridge, found a spot to stand clear of too many trees, turned off my headlamp and waited for my eyes to adjust. I then looked up at the sky and my face burst into a smile. The sky was exploding with stars! It took my breath away and I felt complete joy... no need for a meteors - this sky was fabulous!

I braved the cold for about an hour, seeing 7 (maybe 8!) shooting stars. One of them was really big, like the one we saw at
Grayton. I stopped hearing sounds behind me and I stopped thinking I could see things moving in the dark; all my focus was on the heavens, and even the cold didn't seem so bitter.
It is true, life is better when you can share these kinds of joys, but the gift tonight was still mine and well worth the cold and lack of sleep. I softly sang "How Great Thou Art" into the darkness...
I'm going to take one more peek (the moon doesn't come up until about 4:00 am)...then I'm going to bed. I might not make that early morning waterfall trip that I had planned.
Am I boring you yet with all this talk of Northcroft? Sorry about all the time I have to blog. :)
you make me smile.......any cookies left?
no! no! keep walking and starwatching and baking and smiling and blogging!!!
To Kim and Kate,
There is nothing on earth like daughters...I'll always have cookies for you and if you need me, I'll be at the Waterfall. Have a great day!
What a beautiful night!
I know you took it all in.
I could not brave the cold but
I can only think of the feeling
as you look into the heavens
in the dark of night.
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