Terrence was featured on the cover of The Atlanta Lawyer Magazine this month with several other former presidents of the ADR Lawyers Sections of the Atlanta Bar Association. Boy that was a mouth full! You got it? Anyway, not only was he on the cover but he also has an article on pages 12 and 13, entitled,
So You Want To Be A Mediator? Anybody interested? If I haven't already sent it to you and you would like to read the article; it can be found on the following web site:
http://www.atlantabar.org/associations/6890/files/January_2008_TAL2.pdfReally good job, Honey. Now it is of record on the Chatterbox!
The Lawyer's Wife
1 comment:
I was in touch with the Berry this
morning around 9:00.
Another settlementfor me?
I enjoyed the article Terr wrote,
and glad he is my Lawyer, too.
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