It snowed a little in Georgia yesterday. As soon as the predictions started airing on TV, I could feel the excitement growing inside me. All day long I fought the urge to go to Northcroft, where I thought more snow would fall. I kept telling myself to remember to blizzard of '93! It wasn't so bad not having electricity during the day, but at night (and without Kate) it wouldn't be much fun. And since the electricity was more likely to stay on here in Atlanta, perhaps it would be the smart thing to stay home. Terr would not send another helicopter! (As you can tell, the snow was getting deeper and deeper in my mind, the more I thought about it.)

When the snow started to fall, I once again felt the joys of my childhood that always come back when the white stuff fills the sky...No School! My Daddy
putting us in the car to go on a snow adventure (he loved to drive in the snow!). The blender humming while mixing special ingredients that Daddy would add to fresh white snow to make snow cream: sugar, coco, cookies, candy canes, raw eggs, vanilla, lemons, you name it! I would put on two pairs of socks, stuffed my feet into my shoes, wrapped them in plastic bags and over that pulled on a pair of Daddy's big socks to hold everything together. Another pair of socks went on my hands if I didn't have any gloves. With my siblings, I would venture outside, playing for hours; building forts, throwing snowballs, sliding down hills, making snowmen and angels, hunting for other children in the neighborhood...until our feet and hands felt as if they would break off if you touched them and our cheeks were as red as red delicious apples stuck to our faces.
It would take ten minutes pulling off layers of wet clothes and getting into dry ones when we finely gave into the cold and came into the house. Hot chocolate and popcorn would more than likely be the treat of choice while thawing out and watching whatever was on television, under the warmth of blankets.

I can still feel the cold, the joy, the difference in the routine of the day. I am aware that Daddy came home sometime during or at least before it melted, I think so he could play, too. Even after I left home, Daddy would call when it snowed (or I would call him!). In later years my sister got more joyous snow moments with Dad. She purchased a sleigh and a horse to pull it! When snow was predicted, they would start making pland to go on a sleigh ride! This ride of Dad's (above photo) was captured by a local artist, painted and sold in his store on the square of Murfreesboro. That sleigh is still in Judy's garage waiting for the next opportunity to make a memory.

Yesterday, I stood at my front door just watching the snow fall. It was traffic time and I thought I would look pretty silly walking on Moores Mill road with cars whipping by me, so I just stood and watched. It was far too short lived, but I remembered. I could close my eyes and feel the beauty of walking through the woods at Northcroft with snow falling silently through the trees. It is so soft, so majestic...I was sorry my 60 year old self stopped the child in me from venturing out into the woods with a potential of snow...

This morning I got this email from Kim; "Best day ever according to Andrew! All is well. William summed it up 'Thank you God for the snow'! as he was playing in it with great joy."
The snow genes have been passed forward! I was delighted at the thought.
If you want to make me happy, call me when it snows and always send me your happy pictures.
What an awesome memory. Can't get excited about the snow blender , but I was reminded of the joy that snow brings through the eyes of my children last night. That's for sharing your heart my sweet mother.
No one will ever know the thrill of that first sleigh ride. It was magical. Dad made it happen!
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