(Note: Isabelle is also taking gymnastics and piano and is in Brownies!)I even spent some time thinking about Keegan and Aidan while I was preparing a birthday box to mail for Keegan's birthday on the 3rd of Feb. I looked through the hardcover book of the boys' pictures that Kristin made us for Christmas, seeing if I could find any birthday party pictures. It always makes me smile to see those photos...they capture the essence of those boys! Made me excited to think about summer vacation and being with them again.
Anyway, my point is, no weekend is ever lost when we are able to see the faces of those we love. Have a good week everyone...and Mama, I'll be home to see you soon!
A virtual nook for all of us to come and chat, swap stories and pictures, and share the love.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Faces in my weekend...
Grandad and I decided that every time we see the faces of our children
and grandchildren it blesses us. This weekend we had the rare pleasure of Ford and Morgan spending the night at the Heath with us. They came about dinner time Saturday, after Ford's basketball game, and left early the next morning before we had to leave for church duties. It was fun just hanging out with them for a little while, playing bumper pool, arcade games, making paper chains, and chatting. At church, we shared our praise time with Tom, Kim, Andrew, Emily and Will. This time every week with them is like comfort food to me. I just love sitting with family at church - I guess because that was what I did growing up; I sat by my grandfather while Mother and Grandmother sang in the choir. (Not to mention my Aunt playing the organ, my uncles leading the singing and other relatives filling the sanctuary pews!)
After church we drove over to Joe's roller hockey game. While watching Joe play, Isabelle sat next to me, drawing interesting things and keeping me company while Grandad and Mike intently watched every move that was made on the hockey court. Joe made an excellent goal!! (Mary was at an instructors' training session for teaching ab classes...Mary, I need HELP with my abs!)

Friday, January 25, 2008
I love the theater!
Tonight's show was about a young man who could listen to show tunes and transport himself into the play itself...just like I do sometimes when listening to great music. I can leave my world of age and housework and come alive with timeless response to life. Wow, could I relate! Set and costumes were great and the show was a couple of hours of fun.
This morning about 8:00 Emily went on stage and I just couldn't drag myself up and out by 7:00 in order to get to her school on time to see her perform. I now wish I had. You don't get too many chances in this life to be center stage and I don't want to miss a single chance to see my children or grandchildren get up and shine. Well, I was told that Emily did a great job and I'm sure her Mom and Dad got pictures for me to see. Oh, I hope they did. I saw her costume hanging on the knob of the closet door when I went by her house yesterday. I just know she was terrific.
Andrew is in rehearsals for his upcoming play, Cinderella. Like tonight's show it is a musical, full of song and (I'm sure) plenty of smiles and much laughter.
It is wonderful to get into a huge, dark room and transport yourself into a world of make-believe...even better when you know one of the actors. Heck, I even like watching sports when one of mine is playing!

Monday, January 21, 2008
You give me Super Powers!
After a night of William fighting a terrible bad cold; this morning "C-a-p-t-a-i-n William" arose to fly with S-u-p-e-r Mimi! We flew around the house fighting the enemy and solving the problems of the Universe!
Our spirits were lifted and indeed we did take flight.
(By-the-way, Captain William himself, took the pics of Super Mimi!)
P.S. Is it any wonder that I'm so tired! I've just saved the day, again!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
All it takes is a little SNOW!
It snowed a little in Georgia yesterday. As soon as the predictions started airing on TV, I could feel the excitement growing inside me. All day long I fought the urge to go to Northcroft, where I thought more snow would fall. I kept telling myself to remember to blizzard of '93! It wasn't so bad not having electricity during the day, but at night (and without Kate) it wouldn't be much fun. And since the electricity was more likely to stay on here in Atlanta, perhaps it would be the smart thing to stay home. Terr would not send another helicopter! (As you can tell, the snow was getting deeper and deeper in my mind, the more I thought about it.)
When the snow started to fall, I once again felt the joys of my childhood that always come back when the white stuff fills the sky...No School! My Daddy putting us in the car to go on a snow adventure (he loved to drive in the snow!). The blender humming while mixing special ingredients that Daddy would add to fresh white snow to make snow cream: sugar, coco, cookies, candy canes, raw eggs, vanilla, lemons, you name it! I would put on two pairs of socks, stuffed my feet into my shoes, wrapped them in plastic bags and over that pulled on a pair of Daddy's big socks to hold everything together. Another pair of socks went on my hands if I didn't have any gloves. With my siblings, I would venture outside, playing for hours; building forts, throwing snowballs, sliding down hills, making snowmen and angels, hunting for other children in the neighborhood...until our feet and hands felt as if they would break off if you touched them and our cheeks were as red as red delicious apples stuck to our faces.
I can still feel the cold, the joy, the difference in the routine of the day. I am aware that Daddy came home sometime during or at least before it melted, I think so he could play, too. Even after I left home, Daddy would call when it snowed (or I would call him!). In later years my sister got more joyous snow moments with Dad. She purchased a sleigh and a horse to pull it! When snow was predicted, they would start making pland to go on a sleigh ride! This ride of Dad's (above photo) was captured by a local artist, painted and sold in his store on the square of Murfreesboro. That sleigh is still in Judy's garage waiting for the next opportunity to make a memory.
Yesterday, I stood at my front door just watching the snow fall. It was traffic time and I thought I would look pretty silly walking on Moores Mill road with cars whipping by me, so I just stood and watched. It was far too short lived, but I remembered. I could close my eyes and feel the beauty of walking through the woods at Northcroft with snow falling silently through the trees. It is so soft, so majestic...I was sorry my 60 year old self stopped the child in me from venturing out into the woods with a potential of snow...
This morning I got this email from Kim; "Best day ever according to Andrew! All is well. William summed it up 'Thank you God for the snow'! as he was playing in it with great joy."

It would take ten minutes pulling off layers of wet clothes and getting into dry ones when we finely gave into the cold and came into the house. Hot chocolate and popcorn would more than likely be the treat of choice while thawing out and watching whatever was on television, under the warmth of blankets.

The snow genes have been passed forward! I was delighted at the thought.
If you want to make me happy, call me when it snows and always send me your happy pictures.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A thought about Parents
Last night at our small group Bible Study, we talked about how hard it was to be a good parents, how hard to know the right things to do and teach and how grateful we were for the good parents we had. I want to encourage those of you who have children...You are beginning a stable life for the lives of those you brought into this world. Be prayerful, enjoy the journey and reap the rewards!
Thanks to my Mom and Dad for guiding me, standing beside me (and each other), and for showing me how the future should be lived.
Thanks to my Mom and Dad for guiding me, standing beside me (and each other), and for showing me how the future should be lived.
Thanks to Terr's parents for giving me a capable, upstanding, devoted husband, sure of himself and proud of where he came from.
Monday, January 14, 2008
News to Celebrate...

Ford made straight A's this quarter and Morgan got her braces off!
Kudos to both grandchildren! I love to hear about these important events in your lives. Thanks for letting Grandad and I share in the celebration!
Send me your good news so I can share the best of times with

Speaking of love...Valentines Day is coming and I'm posting pictures of family love! Send me your favorites....

I had too many too post and I just have to stop and start dinner. What fun to look for the special moments that I found in these heartwarming photos....more to come in February!
I love you!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Terrence the Atlanta Lawyer

Really good job, Honey. Now it is of record on the Chatterbox!
The Lawyer's Wife
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Unbeknown to him, I watched my husband shooting a small riffle as the sun was lowering on a lovely afternoon at Northcroft...
I am a woman and he is a man and we like the way those things make us feel
Forgive me if I'm not always understanding about guns, knives, four wheelers and football. I should be more sensitive to my husbands needs....
I'm just glad his instincts and eyesight aren't as keen as mine.
;) Mimi
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Fairy's must live in Atlanta too!
I'm packing up my computer, getting ready to leave Northcroft, when what to my wondering eyes did appear but Isabelle and a big city Fairy garden, so dear! Makes Atlanta a little nicer place to come home to, just knowing a happy fairy must live there.

Thanks for sending the magic Michael; and Isabelle, I sure am glad you believe in Fairies. Hey, Everybody, clap your hands if you believe!...:0 Aw, come on, clap your hands for those of us who do, then! :)
Hope you all find magic in everyday. Send it to me, if you do. I can always use good blogging material.
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