This past weekend, Nana's dear friend Nancy drove her down from Murfreesboro to see the lights in the homes, and in the eyes, of her Atlanta children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Christmas is always so busy that this was the first time she has ever been able to make this holiday trip. Many thanks to Nancy for coming along and doing the driving! I got what I call a
twofer: 1) I got to go on a tour of the Sabonis-Chafee home and the Regas home with them and 2) spend some time with two very special women. We

all were delighted to see the beautifully appointed and perfectly decorated homes of these dear ones. Our tour guides did a great job and we had delicious coffee and brownies baked in the shape of a festive wreath!
Shannon said we could come to his and Molly's house too, but the only lights he had up were from Halloween! :) Well, we would have gone, and wanted to, but time and Friday night traffic got the best of us. By the time we picked up Granddad, had dinner, and made our way home, it was almost 11:00. As luck would have it, Molly and Morgan drove up just as Nana and Nancy

were about to leave, so they got to see them, too! We had more treasured moments.
This might be a good tradition to start - a night to tour each other's homes in Atlanta. We could have drinks and appetizers at one house, small sandwiches and chips at another and something sweet at the last. Could be the start of something good.

Hope your Christmas activities are going well. What did you think of the beauty Tom captured during their Christmas trip to Berry? WOW!
P.S. I understand Molly and Morgan left here Saturday to pick out their Christmas tree. Hope you found the perfect tree. You should send us a picture!

Oh! And I have had a delightful devotional each morning, since they left, read from the lovely gift Nancy left for me on her bed. If you are out there reading this, Nancy...please come back!
Setting aside the bustle...Isn't Christmas a lovely time of the year? :)
<- the top mimi and grandad's tree.
Great post, Mimi. I'm glad you are enjoying the season. We are, too. And to further simplify our lives, the S-C's have bought their christmas cards this year! Yep. You guessed it. With just a push of the button, we will have cards sent to us (for a price) for the first time. What a liberating thought, to not have hours packed into card design and making.....older is truly wiser it seems.
God bless this family and may we all prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord. kim
The dear picture is awesome. This should be painted. Merry Christmas to all in Atlanta. It sure looks like a festive place.
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