It was a very early morning in the S-C household today. It began with Andrew squeezing my hand at 4:00 a.m. to let me know he couldn't sleep because he was so excited. Shortly after, my sweet Emily sprung into our bed hoping it was morning as well. Later, as I was taking a shower to help get myself awake, I was struck with emotion. My childhood came flooding in and I, too, could remember....anticipation, waking up early, chill in the air, that first peak under the tree, the smells that now comfort me with familiarity. But most of all, I remembered the love that surrounded me that day. From our early mornings together as a family to our trips both to Nana's and Greatma's. The entire day, packed with travel-surrounded with lots of love.
As the kids made their way downstairs this morning, I was humbled by the abundant outpouring of love that was under that tree. And it was at that moment that I was reminded just how very much I was loved as a child. The abundance of our Christmas morning was no different. Yet the sacrifice was perhaps much greater. The sweet memories of Christmas have come full circle and the tradition of it all is now being passed down to my little ones. What a blessing. Thank you, Mimi for that gift of tradition.
Tradition runs deep. For me, it shapes a legacy. Today I was reminded of that legacy we are shaping. And I thank my mother for her gift of tradition. For the familiar smells she creates, for the thoughtfulness in each and every gift she gives, for her outpouring of love
Merry Christmas sweet family.
Happy Birthday, Jesus. May the legacy of this families tradition bring you honor and glory!
This year at Nana's, Matt asked if we could each share our favorite memories of Christmas, before we opened the gifts. We spent more than an hour going around the big living room lined with family from near and far and shared part of ourselves...
You, Kim, did the same with this blog, without even knowing it you added to the circle.
Thank you for the validation, thanks for somehow knowing how very much I care and for passing it on.
I love you,
I would say that every trip to the
store, every moment put into the thought of what gift for this one?,
to every package wrapped, to every
part if the cooking, to the caroling, the Christmas Eve service,everything was well worth
these sweet words from Bo.
Thank you Bo, she is my daughter,
you know. A wonderful mother and
the best of grandmother. You know
what, she is the best of the best!
Kimbo, What a beautiful reflection. I agree with all of your heart felt thoughts. You and your precious family do bring honor and glory to Him and a blessing to all that watch you as parents and as Christ followers.
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