Shannon built a dam...

Molly rode the four wheeler and hiked.

Andrew, Emily and William came.....
We all had a great time together, eating, hiking, playing in the creek, riding the four wheeler and just hanging out.
Some of us even took a nap...
I'm afraid the Regas' might have taken Labor Day too seriously and moved over the week end while we were resting. I'll try and find out if they got into their new home or not.
(I do know that Joe WON the JR GOLF tournament at Druid Hills CC last week end. I understand that he got a huge trophy...Congratulation Joe!!!)
I also heard that, this holiday week end, Jeremy and Kate were going camping in the Catskills Mountains. That's somewhere north west of New York, I think. Can't wait to hear about that trip.
Pedersens? I don't know. Maybe they got together with new California resident, sister and aunt, Bethann.... Anyway, hope your labors were more like building dams in a cool creek than moving into a new house!
looks like you guys had a great weekend! we had a fantastic time camping - i'll get you some pictures soon!
on another note - i'm really enjoying your posts lately, mom. i hope you'll continue with your thoughtful introspection and insightful perspectives on life, kids, grandkids, and most importantly, yourself. reading your writing is a pleasure. keep up the great blogging!
this is like a kum-by-ya moment.....how thoughtful Kate. The sincerity in your comment wells me up with tears of pride for my mamma-sita.......love to all of you....bo
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