Okay, so I'm not so keen on football, but I gotta tell you when I see my grandsons playing, it's like watching William singing, Andrew, Morgan and Emily in a play, Isabelle cheerleading and I'm sure the many things that Keegan and Aidan do that I am missing..
.they are working hard and doing their best to perform, and it is indeed thrilling!
Let me tell you more...
Last Saturday, in order to spend some time with my husband (Grandad), I decided to go to the morning and afternoon Junior High and Little League football games in which Ford and Joe, respectively, were playing. I don't go to many games, because; if I go to one, I
must go to the other, plus all the other events that my very talented grandchildren are involved in. Weekends can get full and someone could get left out! I won't even talk about the fact that, except for the plays that the boys are involved in, I don't much care for football. That said, I did come to realize a few things last weekend that I want to share.

Boys and football; I don't pretend to understand, but I do know that it's been almost 50 years since Grandad played and he still carries the medal of honor for his efforts! He still remembers every play and he still gets excited at the memory. What is it about boys and football?
Then I watched Ford and Joe last Saturday. They have sweated in 90 plus degree temperatures for weeks now, getting ready for games. They have exercised to make themselves stronger, run drills, drank gallons of water so they wouldn't dehydrate, learned plays, stayed up late to do homework after practice, and given up Saturdays for the games. Watching them on the field, I realized that what they do, really does matter. Each player has to hold up his assignment in each play, and if he doesn't, the man they are supposed to be blocking will hit a team mate, causing a fumble, yards to be lost, a fourth down turn over and worse yet, a team mate to be piled upon and hurt. If you don't do your job...everybody knows when the play is later analysed about what went wrong. Each player has a job to do, each player is counted upon and it takes all of them to win. Wow! That's a lot of pressure, a lot of responsibility...and... a lot of satisfaction when you are on a winning team.

Families are kind of like that. Everybody plays a really important role (position). Everybody is needed to do his or her job to keep the family strong and bonded. We all feel bad when one member gets hurt, or fumbles or when we have failed to block the obstacles that might have prevented it. We also all rush together when there is a problem to be tackled and we kick the heck out of trouble and go for the goal!. Yea! Yea!...Sorry, I got carried away.
Anyway, we might have a few bad days, but I know what it's like to be on a winning team and I would stand up with enthusiasm and cheer any day for this family...so I guess I can kinda, sorta, understand football, like being a cast member in a play. Our boys are hard working, devoted team players and I sure am proud of them. May they pass on the tradition, whatever team they are on...like their fathers. I'm going to be watching with more interest than ever!

I must tell you, also this past week end, Mary and Isabelle ran in a Fun Run to raise money for Issy's school. Issy ran a mile and Mary, three! Good work girls.