Although I was a bit under the weather, the weekend turned out to be a winner.

Friday night brought Terrence and me to the Murphy Candler football fields to watch Joe (No. 82) play and Mike (defensive coach) coach for the Rams. Although the team brought home a tie game, the defense didn't give up a point! Joe played most of the game with his various skills as kicker, and offensive guard and defensive end. Way to go guys! I have a feeling it's going to be a winning year!

I must mention that this father and son team also WON yet another golf tournament at their club, the weekend before this one. It was made even more special because Isabelle was the caddy!!

Saturday morning, Grandad donned his Woodward shirt and hat and off he went to watch Ford's game...guess I will have to go soon in order to bring you pictures! I understand they lost by one point in a cliff-hanger, then Ford was off to study for his many honors classes! Needless to say, Grandad is proud to wear Ford's colors.
Morgan has started softball (haven't gotten the results of her first game yet) and William starts soccer next week... so get ready for more great pics!

Issy and I had a good time and then we had to move on to her Brownie meeting.
My goodness these kids are busy. I'll fill you in more. later.
I love weekends filled with family. The more the Merrier!
Your week-end in no way compared
with our lazy one at Springland.
You must be ready for another
trip to Northcroft. Well you are
a few years younger than I am.
Sweet pictures. I remember when
the little ones here were in those
games, fun to watch especially
when they make a difference for
their team.
Loved seeing Joe and his Dad.
and beautiful Issy.
Would love to be there when
Andrew's play is ready.
Andrew tells me that the play will be performed from Wednesday through Saturday on the first weekend in November in the school's "blackbox" theater ( the smaller,more intimate one). Since it is a short play, running about 1 hour, there will be two performances each day. Let Kim know when you want to attend, and she can request tickets at no charge (I think). Times for the shows will be announced, later. In the smaller theater, with fewer seats, ticket requests need to be made earlier to get the show of your choice. A preview show (final dress rehearsal?) will be on Tuesday or Wednesday, especially for family members of the cast. Mimi and I are very proud of Andrew and we know he will do a terrific job as Mr. Crane. Love, Grandad.
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