Salute to our Service Men and to Planning Dreams
I am headed to the mountains to make Northcroft ready for a visit from Jeremy and Kate. They will we joining us for the Memorial Day week end. There we will begin the planning of their, May 2009, wedding! Okay, so we have a year...never the less, planning a low carbon, Eco friendly, environmentally correct, perfectly magical and meaningful wedding, in a North Georgia forest, isn't going to be easy! We have a lot of ideas to explore and big hopes and dreams to talk about.
Everyone have a safe and happy week know where to find us.
God bless our service men who served us with heroic patriotism and those who have taken there place, (we love you Kirill!) and God bless America!
Can't wait to see you, Mom! I'm so excited abut all of your plans. Eeeee!
Kate..My Plans?! Do you really think I can plan an "Ethical Wedding"? I'm just along for the ride...and to watch you smile(hopefully for a lifetime).
I love you,
God Bless America and those who protect us. Thank you Kirill! Have a great week end.
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