Add a little gravy, rolls and fresh bread (by William), phone calls, skypes from England and you have the perfect Thanksgiving dinner! My cup runneth over.
GRANDAD'S Thanksgiving Prayer:
Father God,
thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thank you for life, for our lives and for the lives of our loved ones.
Thank you for our health, our food, our homes, our work and our schools and teachers.
Thank you for our Church.
Thank you for this day of family and wonderful food, prepared by loving hands.
Thank you for the 102 original Pilgrims, who came to Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620, of whom only 56 survived that first, harsh winter. Thank you for the bounteous harvest in 1621 which they celebrated with a great feast, along with 91 Native American Indians, who had helped them survive that terrible winter.
We are grateful that President Lincoln, in 1863, established the last Thursday in November as our National Day of Thanksgiving.
Help us to be ever mindful of our many blessings and of the needs of others.
Mike, Mary, Joe and Isabelle went to Washington DC this year for a Thanksgiving, educational holiday. They have been exploring all day and were headed for a Thanksgiving dinner when we caught up with them by phone.
Shannon and Molly were also in Washington, visiting colleges and having Thanksgiving dinner with 33 members of Molly's family and their friends. What a celebration that must have been!!!
Kristin cooked for her family, Beth and Adrienne. Adrienne is healing nicely from her recent surgery; and she and Beth brought a delicious squash casserole to add to the table.
"We're going out on a limb this year, adding some new dishes to the rotation...cauliflower gratin and roasted brussels sprouts with red onion and bacon. I can't wait to set the holiday table!" - Kristin
Kate did a reverse Thanksgiving in England! She prepared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for Simon, her hostess (Simon's mother) and I am not sure what other family members were there. What a treat that must have been and I love the idea of our Kate sharing our family traditions in the mother country. The circle is complete and thanks to God for Skype!
Let me take a moment to thank, Kim, Tom, Andrew, Emily and William for giving thanks in church with us this morning, for bringing wonderful food to the house to add to the sumptuousness of our beautiful Thanksgiving table and for filling my heart and arms with love the rest of the day.
I am a blessed mother; you all honored me today in ways untold. I love you so much and in every way I am grateful. It has been the best of Thanksgivings and so good to think about all of us under the same bright sky.