Emily and I shared a day of her Spring Break painting pottery and going for a visit at the Regas household.
Mary showed us the results of her fabulous workout room,
The stunning new wine celler,and Isabelle's stylish room as well as the "classroom" where she teaches (see blog at a later date!).
Learned that Bethann and Adrienne got a new puppy.

Michael and Isabelle attended this years Father-Daughter Dance. What a handsome couple they make!
Andrew returned from a wonderfully uplifting mission retreat and everyone enjoyed being back together, relaxing on the new sofa.
Ford and Joe played baseball in between rain drops and Morgan agreed to spend a few days with me on her Spring Break the first week of April! (See that too on a later blog!)
Grandad and I are Greeters at church on Sunday, where we will later give thanks for our blessings.

Such busy people!
It is hard to keep up with every-
Thanks for all the newsy post, what
a great way to keep up with progres
and watch the children grow into
beautiful responsible teens and
Sorry that come up as Nathug said.
Nat or Hug did not say that, that
was said by the QUEEN. Can be only
one Queen and I'm it.
Whoever said it, I was delighted but you are right about one thing; you ARE the Queen and I appreciate you always sharing and supporting the important things of my life. You have played that role like no other.
Long live the Queen!
Princess Merry ;)
too cute Mimi! My school is looking good...I am the principal you know and I make suprise visits on Ms. Regas very often. I'll have to give her a raise :)
omg...that pic of me is just wrong!!!
Love you!
I love, love to see comments on Chatterbox...thanks to all of you!
And Mary, I try never to post unflattering pictures on the box, I just thought your smile was worth a million and that you were adorable fitting me into your busy carpooling life. I wanted to capture your spirit...and I think this picture did just that. You're always beautiful!!
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