The Cheerleaders dressed as Zombies at the Colts game on Saturday. The younger and older teams joined forces and put on a terrific Halloween halftime show! (Issy is the third one on the front row, then the fly-girl on the left.) I sure wish I could have gotten more of the dance on film. Issy is a delight to watch!

(I can't get Grandad to take a camera to Ford's games but he sure loves to watch his boys play ball even though he has to sometimes split his time at the games in order to see a little of both!)
"On the day before Halloween, Ford's high school age baseball team played in the post-season, single elimination playoffs. Ford pitched well and made very good contact at the plate and played shortstop when he wasn't pitching, but his team went down 5-2. Next spring he will try out for the Woodward JV baseball team as a pitcher and second baseman.
Joe played both ways at end, as his travel team, the 6th grade Atlanta Colts, continued their winning ways in a nail-biter, coming out on the long end of a 48-36 score. This was an emotional game, with each team trading touchdowns, on nearly every exchange of the ball. Joe made several important blocks which led to scores, and hit hard while tackling on defense. The video shows Joe heading for a crushing sack of the White Team's quarterback. He was the long-snapper for extra points, and made many kick-offs."
1. Grands on their way out to Trick or Treat. (Andrew stayed home and gave out candy this year.)
2. Fiona, my neighbor's sweet granddaughter.
3. Part of our family in Christ, from Monday night Bible Study, stopped by and brought us a smile!
Hope you all had a fun filled Spookie night!
Chatterbox would love to post your Halloween pictures too!!!