Sometimes Sunday mornings can fill my heart with so much love and hope, yet those feelings can be so intense that it will also fill my eyes with uncontrollable tears (and I mean that in a good way!) .
This past Sunday was one of those times…

Our son, Mike and his wife Mary, brought their children, Isabelle and Joe, over to spend the night with us, on Saturday. They were going to St. Martin’s annual Spring Fling and would be quite late getting home. Mike brought tickets for Grandad to take Joe to an exciting Thrashers’ game while Isabelle and I hung out making cookies, playing chopsticks on the piano, rolling her hair in rags and watching Little Women.

We all had such a good time together that we
didn’t want to stop what we were doing to go to bed, but we needed to get up early on Sunday morning, because the children’s Sunday School
Apostlelot performance was to include four of the S-C family.
("Apostlelot" (2nd through 4th Grades): All children gather together at the end of Sunday morning classes for "Assembly" where they visit the land of "Apostlelot". Kingdom characters (and your kids!) learn how to work through real life dilemmas each week. The drama presentation focuses on the lives of faithful men and women throughout history and the godly character evident in their lives. ) The S-C family has been faithful members of the Apostlelot Kingdom for many years. Their
characters remain the same from performance to performance.

Well, we managed to get to bed by midnight and also to enter the gates of
Apostlelot on time.

The story this week was about the faith of young George Washington (i.e. Andrew) as told by the kingdom wiseman, Sage, to the Knight (Tom), Fair Maiden (Kim) and a couple other kingdom residents. The lesson all came to light when a beautiful
messager (Emily) brought a written message from the King as well as verbal instruction.

Grandad, Joe, Isabelle and I were an attentive audience among the large gathering of 2
th graders!

The church sermon was about the power of forgiveness, the music was uplifting and the joy immense as I sat with seven of my dear family members.
We lunched together afterwards, parted ways as we went off to our own Sunday afternoon activities...but the sweetness always does when I get to spend time with any of my clan.