There she was just a-walkin' down the street, singin' do-wah diddy-diddy down, diddy-do, snappin' her fingers and shufflin' her feet singin' do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do.
I'M HERS, SHE'S MINE want to be near all the time. Singin' do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do....
Yeah, that's our really do come flying out from her footsteps...and today she is having a birthday. I shall release a balloon in her honor and thank God that our sixth child was as special and gifted as all the rest...and with a certain flare of magic.

I love you my darling, Kate...from the bottom of my boogidy, boogidy shoo .
Happy Birthday!
from Mama
look at me. first to blog you happy birthday. quarter century is it? wow. have a great, big, happy birthday! thinking of you today.
Kate, You are beautiful! I remember the day you were born. What a happy day. The best of life to you. We love you, Judy and Louis
What a great time 25 years ago.
The mother and grandmother almost
lost our life the day after Kate was brought home from the hospital.
The Mother suggested to the grand-mother that we dress this little
doll up and take her to see her
friends at the nursing home.
We took her and she was passed from
one to the other as Mother sang to
the music the guys were playing.
Sure did make a lot of older
people happy. I don't remember how
long it was before the Father found
out that we went out that day.
A little puppy might have worked
just as well. What a joy Kate
has been to this family.
Love to Mother, Father and Kate.
Thanks, Mom and everybody :)
...from the bottom of your what?!
Kate...that's, boogidy, boogidy shoo! (Sorry, it was my editor's birthday.) -M
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