Oh, the frightful ending came and went as quickly as Ichabod Crane!
The final performance of Sleepy Hollow was a birthday delight for it's star. On November 8th, Andrew's performance was flawless and his family and friends delighted in their young thespian.
When the show ended, Andrew shared the stage with the family for a photo op, then partied at the cast party before we all went out for a birthday dinner celebration.
We were lucky to have Joe staying with us, for a few days, joining in to make our evening even more exciting. What a sweet night for all. Happy, happy birthday dear Andrew!!

Joe talked us into another special theatrical performance. The following morning we got up early and headed for church and the children's Sunday School Assembly. There our S-C family performs regularly with a group called Apostlots. They tell of God's love and teachings by performing stories and scriptures. Kim had the lead role this week! We all were so proud to see her overcome her fear and beautifully carry the show. The whole family (except young Will) was on the stage supporting her. The scene took place with the Pilgrim family aboard ship, looking for the land where they could freely worship their God. I hope they will tell the story again at our family Thanksgiving table on the 27th of this month.
Good job Pilgrims!

1 comment:
Happy Birthday Andrew, have another great year.
Love to all the active crew.
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