Looks like a recreation from times gone by were in order from the
Regas household this Halloween. I'm sure Mike and Mary were the life of the party as Micky and Minnie! Cute, cute,


Talking about cute...doesn't get any cuter than Isabelle as a cuddly little kitten! You can curl up in my lap any ole time. A lovely pick poodle and black cat with pink ears could make us all turn into animal lovers.

(Joe must have already been out on the Trick or Treat Trail and missed the picture taking!) Thanks for the pictures guys!!
Are. you. kidding me.
*dies laughing*
Never, never thought I would want
a cat of any kind, but I think that
even I would take that beautiful
little black kitten.
Never thought my brother would dress up like micky mouse once in a lifetime--let alone TWICE!
Love surprises...........
Those meese had better keep clear
of that black cat. GP
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