We were reminded this past weekend that our country has indeed faced worse times than these. Divided, we fought for what we believed in, and in the end, beyond all odds, we were not defeated as a nation…
Terrence and I were in South Georgia attending a Georgia Bar Board of Governors meeting (something we attend four times a year, at different places in GA). This meeting was held at a place we had never been before - Lake Blackshear near Cordele, GA.

Saturday afternoon we had some free time and decided to take a drive to the nearby town of Andersonville. If you know your Civil War history, you will recognize Andersonville as the location of the largest of many Confederate military prisons established during the Civil War. The prison pen covered over 26 acres. It was enclosed by a 15-foot-high stockade. It was only operational for about 18 months, but its largest population at one time was over 32,000. It was so overpopulated and under-supplied that almost 13,000 of the prisoners died before being saved by the ending of the war.

The War Museum was well done and powerful. I cried when I saw the documentary on the big screen. Andersonville serves as a memorial to all American prisoners of war. Today, the cemetery contains over 18,000 interments. The story is one of sacrifice and courage.
Note: I was pretty upset at the South after seeing pictures and hearing how the men were treated, but then I was reminded that the same thing

was happening in the North to the Confederate soldiers, where as many were also lost in Northern prisoner camps. In the South, the railroads were cut off and could no longer get supplies to the men on the battlefield, much less to prisoners in Andersonville.
Anyway, the point is, we overcame the devastation of that "war between each other" and the horrors it brought with it. Let us not be so divided again. Maybe we need to remember our past. Is it possible that it was only 144 years ago? Why, we grew so fast and changed so drastically in such a short period of time - is it any wonder we got too big for our britches? It seems to me, if we could just stand together for the good of the nation and to the glory of a higher power, our country could move mountains and still be unmatched.
It was truly an interesting trip. I also loved seeing the cotton fields, the pecan groves, and the pine forests, not to mention the little town of Andersonville (1st picture above), that still has its original buildings. We managed a little lighthearted fun...I think my 17 " waist has gone with the wind. ;)
P.S. Jeremy, how is our reinactment?--->