Matthew 2:1-2: In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage."
Today Joe and I found a way to proclaim that there will be room for the Baby Jesus here in our house this Christmas. We made the Star of Bethlehem and hung it out the nursery window!
Supplies: 5-3ft. long Bamboo sticks....
Makes for the perfect holiday activity that will fill your house with comfort and joy.
1. To make 1 star: On a flat surface, arrange stakes in a 5-pointed star. Using small zip ties, secure the inner 5 points, and then secure the outer 5 points, top. Use a large zip tie to secure each of the outer points. Trim tie ends.
2. Secure plug end of strand to 1 point of the star with small zip tie. Drape strand along the length of stake, and then pass it between the 2 stakes crossed at end. Repeat along the adjacent stake. Drape strand along every stake of star. Secure with small zip ties, and trim tie ends. Repeat to make more stars if desired. (Add more strands as needed to connect stars to one another.)
Enjoy getting ready for the Christ Child!
A precious Blog----What a wonderful thing to do with a grandchild. A memory forever----Got to go--Going to go find Bamboo
Note: Things that I have learned about making and hanging a star:
1. I know the lights must be indoor/outdoor but the closer together the lights and the smaller the cord, the better.
2. Hanging your star on a widow causes a reflection that makes the star look not so perfect. It may be better hung on a solid wall. (You can also hang it in a tree and trail lights down and out to the side, for a shooting star effect!
Thanks, Martha! Love, love, love it.
We now have a star on our house too! Thanks again for giving my son a weekend of fun and love! Mary
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