To all of you, who in some way have touched my life, I am grateful for the influence you have been, for the love you have given and/or for the things you have taught me. Thank you for reading my thoughts and viewing our precious family pictures on Chatterbox. What a delight it is for me to share them. You will be counted among my blessings this Thanksgiving. I hope you rejoice in your blessings
wherever you are this day. Happy Thanksgiving!
...and a BIG and VERY special "Happy Thanksgiving" to all those who are gathered at 600 N. Church Street counting their blessings today. I LOVE YOU!
to full to comment---ditto
Many blessing today at 600. One of
the sweetest, Little Slade, 6 years old, came to my ear and whispered "I am thankful for Nana" Then he went to everyone's ear and
whispered to them, I thought he
was telling everyone he was thankful for them. When he went
out I found out he told everyone
"I am thankful for Nana.
Ever since the first time I saw
this child, he has come just as
directly to me as he could when
he came around an hugged. Such
a sweet child. We were thankful that no one was hurt while on the
chimney at Hugh's, We were thankful
Yegor was home for a few days, we
were thankful Ju and Lu are about
to break ground. We were thankful
that Leigh has more home time in
her new job. I was thankful to see
Joseph and Jason first time in
two and three years. When Joseph
came in I did a double take at his
face. He started to hug me. I said
"Take it out". He reached up and
got the pierced thing out of his
eyelashes. I was thankful for that.
Before he left He came to me and
I gave a sweet lesson. telling him
what a good looking man he would
be if he got that Blond hair cut
nice and took an interest in doing
something beside laying around. I
helt out my hand and he reached in
his pocket and pulled out the eye
ring and handed it to me. I am
thankful for that. Of course he
is probably at the pawn ship right
now looking for another. I ask
Jason about his little boy. He said
he was the pride of his life. and
got a picture to show. I had a
good talk with him, trying to make
him understand that lettle boy
would do everything he did before
him, He agreed and assured me that
he had really changed his life.
Blessings, blessings, blessings
How abundant we are in blessings.
We are thankful that Ken and Casey
are adjusting. I am thankful for
the work Kenneth is working on
about Mama's poetry.
We are thankful and grateful that
Kirill will be going out on the
USS Ronald Regan for about a month.
This is exciting for him.
And how was your day?
Good Night
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