The Wesleyan Junior High production of "Charlotte's Web" opened tonight with a dress rehearsal and a standing ovation. Although I did not attend (I have to wait until Saturday night's performance), I understand that Charlotte's diligence, Templeton's craftiness, Wilbur's sadness, could have only been out done by the star we call our own; Golly, The Gander.....DA DAAAh!

"I think it's T double E double R double I double F double I double C C C C."....
He can't say it, because he is "HUMBLE", but I have heard him rehearse and I know that he is "SOME P- oops, ACTOR!
I hope you all get to see him perform sometime during the next three days.
Andrew has another reason to be "RADIANT" (thank you, Charlotte). Today is his Birthday! (Already a henpecked Goose at the age of ELEVEN!)
Oh, help me Charlotte, what words can I find to make a perfect wish for Grandson #2....I know! I know! "BREAK A LEG, SWEETIE" and have a "Happy, Happy Birthday!" It gives me so much joy to watch you grow.

"Have a honking good time!"
Being that Wilbur lives in Murfreesboro, this makes us very excited about Andrews first play. Way to go Andrew. I know you did a great job!
Congratulations, and break a leg!
BRAVO, Andrew,wish I could see
you perform this week-end.
Love you,
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