It doesn't get any funnier than a Hooter's Airline plane, crashing on a deserted Island, with a lot of lawyers headed on a firm retreat. The very same Island that once (some 30 years ago) imprisoned the Captain and Crew of the ill fated Minnow, better known as "Gilligan's Island".

Of course I am talking about the now famous annual "A Courthouse Line VII", put on by our own TLC and other fellow (
attorney) actors, writers, producers, directors and choreographers of The Atlanta "Bard" Association.

Besides Lawyers "Lawst", there were Firm Staff running a law firm with out the burden of having lawyers around, *Airline personnel trying to find the owner of a can of Cheez Whiz, Cheerleaders with "talking sticks, *rumbles between Westlaw and Lexis leaders, the aging Cast-a-Ways (*TLC the Professor) and everyone's second favorite (not to surpass T's characters, of course), Pirates!
After weeks of long rehearsal hours, our Super Star was rewarded by giving a great performance and many adoring fans attending: Merry, Shannon, Molly, Morgan, Tom and Brenda Croft and friends, Tom, Kim, Andrew & Em, and all the way from Murfreesboro; Louis, Judy and his biggest supporter...Nana

The second night seating and production was much better for this Bard Fan (sorry Shannon, Molly and Morgan) than the first. I laughed until tears were streaming down my face and so did the rest of TLC's fan club. You could hear Kimberly all the way out to the lobby! A great night was had by all.

You did it again honey!

* (roles played by TLC)
BRAVO! these pictures are great, and the gilligan group is absolutely hilarious. that's my dad - the sexy, intelligent character on the island. =) sorry I wasn't there! Looks like you have quite the fan club, though. I love you!
Yes Katherine, It was as good as
it looks. Your father certainly
broke his leg. We had a great whirlwind week-end. Thank you for a wonderful time, Merry and Terrence thank you for wonderful
seats at your production, your
acting was suburb.
Terr, LET'S RUMBLE!!!!!!! You have to teach us the West Side story scene. You performance was OUTSTANDING. Lou and I enjoyed the whole week-end or may I say 24 hours. Thanks, Mer and Ter for everthing. Love Ju and Lou
On behave of The "Professor", Thanks for the rave reviews!
I am grateful to Mimi for supporting me in my Bard Show. She has to have many dinners alone, while I am off rehearsing, for weeks. It may be a little silly for an old man to enjoy playacting so much, but I do. I even like rehearsing. But the play is the thing, and I got a real kick out of this cast, since I got to be a dancer/rumbler as well as an old Professor in the Gilligan group. We got a laugh when we first lined up! Then, we sang! It was a hoot for me. Thanks to all of you who attended and laughed and cheered. Love, Grandad.
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