First of all, when I stepped into the house I was delighted to see how beautiful she and the house looked. A new carpet has replaced the well used old green shag and
a new sofa with new lamps flanking it side has improved the family gathering rooming. I am hard pressed to keep up with this Modern Milly Nana of ours. She continues to live life to it's fullest. And 600 North Church Street has never looked better, not to mention the furnace duck work still is revealing it secrets (joke, ask Nana about it.)
chance to visit in a while, I encourage you to go and "touch the green, green grass of home."
I sure do love you,
Sure hope this feels as good as it looks! Can we still have coffee and cream brulee in the living room?
The carpet,the couch, the lamps and Nana all look great! I liked walking on the carpet, too. And, Hugh's dog, Murphy, loves sleeping on the couch whenever Nana leaves or goes to bed. When she put the pillows down to cover the cushions, Murphy slept on top of the pillows.
Also, I got to walk Judy and Louis' 14 acres of land, which had been so painstakingly cleared by Louis, Yeagor and Kirill. However a big oak tree had been blown over in a recent storm and I was afraid Louis was going to put me to work with a chain saw to clean it up. It is a beautiful piece of property, with fields, a big hill, a creek and several wet weather streams. Terrence
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