…I was walking in a love story, and of all people, the main Character was pursuing me. Lavished with gifts from my Pursuer, I walked on feeling embraced by the Creator.He had given me another day to walk with Him. He had sustained His loving handiwork for my joy and the praise of His glory. He is Someone who knows what I love and shows me in extravagance. At the climax of my heart’s joyful song, I looked down to see a shape of familiarity and perfection. A salamander (A sand dollar)—tucked ever so slightly in the leaves (sand)—grabbed my attention and shouted my name. There was no one else around. This lizard (shell) was meant just for me.
The perfection of the Lord’s timing is often hard to comprehend. He knew the precise day I would walk up this mountain (this beach) and, since the beginning of time; He planned the exact moment when my feet would match the timing of the mighty mountain (mighty ocean), and I would come in contact with such a magnificent creation. That salamander (sand dollar) reminds me that our Lover is personal. He knows what we adore and loves us through those things. He ordains every moment to reflect His perfection. It was not a coincidence that I found an unusual creation (a sand dollar) today (that day). It was simply another example of a deeply committed God and an everlasting love story.
The Work of the Lord
By: Ann Marie Melson
He also gave me flowers, a giant rainbow trout, a killer mountain view of the blue ridge and a husband who isn't jealous, just wants me to be happy.

beautiful-mom. i love hearing how god speaks to you through nature......
How I would love to get inside your
brain and see this beauty in a red
Salamander,a rainbow trout, a flower,
or an old shack that you and your
Dad spent so much time on and in,
and put so much work into, an old
"Egypt" on the side of a hill,
built by brothers, for a little
sister, who like her mother, loved
the fantasy, and really believed
she was in Egypt while swinging
gently in her hammock, reading
a book in the middle of bear country, and a quarter of a mile
from mountain home and safety, Little Fairy houses
built on the creek side still standing long after the little
sister is gone.
This, we can hold on too, despite
floods, oil spills, terrorist,
city streets, ailing old mother
and the fast lanes.
Hold on to dreams and be ever thankful for a husband who supports
your fancifulness.
What a trout that is! And whoever is that little red fellow? I don't remember seeing him around before (except on a certain shack wall, that is ;)
I was up in the Catskills recently and saw the mountains there come to life. In a four-hour hike, I saw countless birds, three species of frogs, long fish in the lake, a big white-tailed deer, and two enormous rattlesnakes entwined together (will send you a picture). It made me feel alive again. I miss our mountains so much, and am glad you are there to see it seep into summer, heal the hemlocks and catch hopeful glimpses of amphibians...
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