I'm sure you will all agree, Mimi is a pretty good hair dresser
and Isabelle is a pretty girl.
(Note: When asking Issy why she ask so many questions, she replied; "Because that's my job!". :)
After a hard game of baseball (see Grandad's comment in the last post), Joe vegged out and watched TV on the sofa.

Can you tell,
I love being a Mimi?
These children look like models. Isabelle looks a little too much like the belle of the ball. What happen to the high collars? Oh what fun to play Beauty shop or should we say Hair Salon.
Juju-The high collar was in the "dressing room", in our Salon we don't like to get our customer's clothes wet while washing their hair, so we have Velcro dressing towels to change into. Besides, I wanted to get a picture of this young Natalie Wood before she went out in the rain to go home. You know, it's kind of like at your house when you try making your sister beautiful and she enjoys the attention.;)
Morgan kind of likes playing B/S but she is much too tender headed for the hardcore stuff. Emily on the other hand is a pro!
Remember our best customers of all time? Of course that would be Abby and Kate...I think they were more like out precious little dolls than customers...and I mean that in a good way with treasured memories.
i'm surprised I'm not bald after all that coiffing ;)
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