Costumes and set were phenomenal. The children did a
wonderful job telling us about how Jesus returned to
Jerusalem, drove the money changers out of the temple,
had the last supper with his disciples and washed their feet,
went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray, was betrayed by
Judas Iscariot, was arrested, tried, crucified, then was
buried and resurrected on the third day. It was touching to see
children act out such a great story…and I believed.
I was ever so proud of the job he did. He was clear and precise;
never leaving his character. Like Morgan in the Lion King,
it was a job well done and I know we will see more of this very
fine actor in the future.
Our own, not so doubting Thomas, was the best dad techie working back stage. Mama Kim took film and Will colored, ate "church candy" and was very quiet while Bubby was on stage. Emily got to leave her class and sit with us, so as a family we watched and learned.
I’m looking forward to being with you all on Easter!
1 comment:
Congratulations, Andrew, on a job well done! I am proud to have actors in the family to carry on the tradition. I have some small parts in the Bard Show, LAWST, which I invite all to see on June 2. Love, Grandad.
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