I shall cry as I write this, but you all know how much it means to me to hear from Kate and to know that she is happy and well. For the last several days Kate has had access to free internet and she has skyped me daily at Northcroft for long conversations and seeing her face to face. (She got a few days of free internet time for signing up for paid time after trying it out.)

I want to share with you that she is enjoying her time on Little Corn Island. She is painting signs for establishments near her house, working the breakfast shift at a small eating place on the island, searching for new recipes to prepare fish and rice and cooking for a new friend most evenings, taking care of several animals that have taken up residence on her front stoop, diving when she can and enjoying the sun. She has funny stories to tell about her island friends and is like the Pied-Piper when the children see her out and about.
I continue to pray for her safety and happiness. I know you do too.
I am so thankful that you have had the opportunity to speak and look
at her. Makes for a happy mother, and that makes a happy father, and when the stories are retold it
makes us all smile.
Keep those niblets coming from
Little Corn.
Thank you for you sweet comments, Mother. You know how it is to have a daughter on a far away island, don't you. ;) Thank goodness we are blessed by all our children, those far away and those who are near by to keep us calm and grounded. I am constantly learning from all directions!--Merry
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