Today the family, at least those who were in town, gathered together for a farewell lunch in honor of daughter, little sister and aunt, Kate. As I write she has started her long journey back to Nicaragua, loaded down with goodies for a new restaurant, seeds for planting, gifts and requests from neighbors and a multitude of things that she needed but couldn't get on Little Corn Island.

I write with mixed emotion about this quest of hers, so very sad that she has gone but all the while realizing that it is something she has to do and is doing so with great joy in her heart. What mother and Father wouldn't want their child to be happy and what better way to send her off than to have their other children around for support!!
Thanks to all of you who took the time out of your busy schedules to give Kate such a special ending to her Christmas trip home.

Lunch at Figo Pasta

Afterwords, next door for Cup Cakes at Gigi's!
Okay, baby Kate, I will leave you with one good message; put God in all that you do and if you just happen to find that special someone along the way, make sure he fits in with the best of the best (including Shannon and Alan) ! I'm just saying...

Bye Kate!! Bye-Bye Kate!! We LOVE YOU!! BonVoyage!! Come Back Soon!!! We'll miss you!! Bye-Bye!
bye-bye... we love you... bye!

Later, from home, going to the airport... "Bye, Mama."

Bye Kate
have a safe flight and enjoy you life over there ^__^
hope to see you again before i go back to Thailand end of next year.
Take a good care,
What an adventure, Kate! Keep us undated on all that your doing. Enjoy the pace, beauty of the island and the beauty in the sea and come back before to long. I love you, Judy
We love our Kate! Wash that hair in a bucket--and come home when you can't stand the mesquitoes any more!!! We will miss you.
A wonderful send-off celebration. Hope you are there safe and sound by now. You must stay in touch from that little island. Remember to Skype!
Thank you, everybody! And thanks Mom for this tribute-post :) Much love to everyone form the little island!
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