For the past five years, our DAD lawyer (TLC) has been selected to be among this group. For the past two years, he was also listed in a special category: The Top 100! "These lawyers received the highest point totals in the Georgia Super Lawyers nomination, research and blue ribbon review process." Terrence has worked tirelessly in his efforts to be the best at what he does. I marvel at his professional work ethic and willingness to give back to the legal community. He has been part of every legal organization and has had a position of leadership in them all. Super Lawyer, you are my dear, and I salute you and your many years of dedication.
When this years publication came out last week, I got a phone call from Terr during office hours. Not one word was mentioned about him being listed as a 2009 Super Lawyer - and in his excitement, I didn't even ask if he was! - he was calling with pride at the good news that our son, Michael, made the Super Lawyer list, and he couldn't wait to share the news with me.
I knew just how he felt. Every once in a while when we run into Mike (and Mary) at a legal function, it takes my breath away to see my son looking so dapper, shaking hands, talking the talk and walking the walk. I nearly burst with pride when he introduces me to someone or Terr introduces him as our son. As Mike has made his way up in the legal world, more and more lawyers have mentioned his name to me and I feel proud to be his mother. A BIG congratulations to Mike for making such a good name for yourself professionally.

...and that leaves Kate...KATE GOT A JOB! SURPRISE!!! An update from her:

I'm excited about all the things I get to do there, from creating partnerships, to writing for the blog, to updating the book, to developing media kits, to maintaining and expanding the database, to attending conferences and events nationwide on behalf of Eat Well. My midtown office is a really positive, collaborative environment, and I'm looking forward to working with everyone there.
This all kind of fell into my lap, and I can really only call it a blessing. I was actually set up to interview for a clerical position in their sister organization, Sustainable Table, when I got a call from Eat Well's Executive Director, asking me to come in early and speak with her about a possible job opportunity. Imagine my surprise when I came in and found out that she was looking to hire a new coordinator, and that my name had come up!
I've had a lot of valuable time to self-evaluate and hone in on a career direction, and I'm grateful for it. Times have been tough, though, and I'm relieved to have somewhere to finally channel my energy. (I'm also relieved to be getting paid to do it!) So, Funemployment, it's been real - really, really real. But it's time for me to peace out. I've got to go to work!
We're shouting, "Kate! CONGRATULATIONS!"
From Kate, continued: A quick moment to brag on Jeremy's behalf - he's had a couple of major successes recently, as well! In addition to getting a front-page writeup in the Chronicle for Higher Education - complete with very handsome photograph - today, Jeremy gave an all-day workshop on creating an effective campus greening initiative at Northwestern University! NU hired him as an independent consultant, and the lecture and subsequent workshop (which was with a spectrum of NU folks, from students to staff to deans) were a huge success. NU even tried to hire him. I am so proud of him, and I hope that this can be a springboard for Jeremy to launch his career in green consulting!
So many people are having such a hard time in today's spiraling economy. I am so grateful you all are doing so well.
Thanks be to God.