Friday, October 31, 2008

My gulity pleasure of Holloween...

Okay, so Halloween isn't my favorite event of the year, but when the creative minds of my grandchildren (and children) kick in and the costumes are put together, I get a big kick out of their creations! The pictures have started to arrive for me to admire and enjoy and I get nothing but pleasure sharing them on Chatterbox. All I've got to say is keep them coming, they're GREAT and it makes this Mimi smile.
Emily, pink Puddle and Andrew, a Hippie....

What is William? Why, a puppet, escorted by a great puppeteer. Peace....


Queenie said...

Me want a Puppet and a Pink Poodle
for Christmas!
Don't know what I would do with the
hippie. I'LL take the young man
in the play. Nana

Kate Croft said...

This is outstanding. Great costumes, guys! Andrew, I think you make a spectacular hippie.