Okay, so Halloween isn't my favorite event of the year, but when the creative minds of my grandchildren (and children) kick in and the costumes are put together, I get a big
kick out of their creations! The pictures have started to arrive for me to admire and enjoy and I get nothing but pleasure sharing them on Chatterbox. All I've got to say is keep them coming, they're GREAT and it makes this Mimi smile.

Emily, pink Puddle and Andrew, a Hippie....
What is William?

Why, a puppet, escorted by a great puppeteer. Peace....
Me want a Puppet and a Pink Poodle
for Christmas!
Don't know what I would do with the
hippie. I'LL take the young man
in the play. Nana
This is outstanding. Great costumes, guys! Andrew, I think you make a spectacular hippie.
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