(note the scripture, left bottom: "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."- Matthew 18:5)
When you go, and I know you will (you have from now through May 11th to see for yourself), just stand in that room for a little while and listen to the lovely things that people say as they enter the space. It will make you proud too!
Don't miss the special touches that Kim added to her room: photographs of her inspiration, crystal kisses on the bedside table, Gayma's tea set, scripture on a silver bracelet...and a painting, done by her mother, in the center of the double window surrounded by beautiful draperies over a luxurious daybed. I mention these things because they could have been replaced by much more elegant pieces of art and decorator extravagances, but she put her heart in her room as well as her talent. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed my name (and those of other family members) in not one, but several printed acknowledgment statements. I was humbled and touched at her generosity. A decoratored room with a heart and soul... It was obvious that that room had been prayed over.
<-The cover.
Kim's page inside ->
Tom and the children were a big part of what happened in this beautiful room. As I said earlier those "photos of her inspiration," the children, supported in more ways than they know...and Tom, well, he is a hero. I've never known a man so supportive and helpful. Today, Kim ran out of the above printed cards for guests to take home (ones Tom helped create for Kim). Tom put the children in the car and drove the 30 minutes it took to deliver another box to the show house. This has been a team effort, as it has to be with a family that has three children, and they worked perfectly together.
In showing you some of these pictures, I hope I don't take away from the thrill of seeing the room for the first time for yourselves. Kim has put months of time and effort into this project, she has grown from it and would be honored to share it with the ones she loves.
Special Note to Kim: I wish you much success my darling daughter. I am so proud of you, your girl's room and the way you conduct yourself professionally, with genuine grace. -Mom
This room is simply breathtaking.
You hard work certainly proved to
be well worth it, Congtatulations and I hope you have many lookers, put out many business cards and
have returns seven fold.
You deserve a nap!
OMG Bo!!!! It looks incredible!! Wish I could be there to see it in person...thanks Mom for putting up pictures to share with us away-types. Wow. So impressed. You rock the town!
Kim, Your talent shows in every aspect of this simply perfect room. I think it is a room for all ages. Much success and congratulations on a job very well done. I love you, Judy Hope I can come.
Thanks, Mom. The support you give to me is precious. I just adore this life journey with you.
I love you. Kim
wow - i can't wait to see this in person. it is amazing. i'm constantly in awe of kim. her passion for design, her outlook on life, and one of the best mom's i've ever met!!
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