Summer 2011 begins! Grandad and I split up to attend three of our nine graduation/honors day/end of school year programs this year, but we have glowing reports that each of our nine had a brilliant finish!
Morgan – Gave a short speech at her 6th grade graduation from The Children’s School:
“I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.” Cat Stevens once said. If I cry for how long I have laughed here, I would be crying for a long time. Hi. My name is Morgan Croft and I have been at this school for nine years. I have had a great time here, at TCS and I want to thank everyone who made it possible. First, thank you mom, dad and my grandparents for your support and love. I also want to thank all of my wonderful teachers, especially my Pre-Primary teachers, Debbie, Sarah, and Kelly, my first grade teachers, Wilma and Peg, my fourth grade teachers Megan and Anna, and of course my sixth grade teachers, Naimah, Julia, Paul, and Ricky. I will never forget to thank my friends, who made me laugh and who have helped me get through the days that were too long I have had many laughs at TCS and I hope to have lots more at my next school, Woodward Academy.
…and needless to say Morgan is moving on, with honors, to the 7th grade class at Woodward Academy.
…and needless to say Morgan is moving on, with honors, to the 7th grade class at Woodward Academy.
Emily – On Honor’s Day at Wesleyan, Emily received an award in Art for, "Courageous Growth". (I have seen this in her many times when we work on an art project together or when she presents me with beautiful hand-made cards or a painting!). She has the boldness of an artist. Emily also had a very strong academic finished to her year. Seventh grade, here she comes!!
Andrew – was given three awards at the end of the year Honor's Day: 1.) Bible (given by his teacher, the headmaster) for consistent effort and achievement. 2.) English, for excellence 3. The Iron Wolf award given to those who participated in 3 sports and /or theater presentations during the school year. Andrew was a swimmer/actor. He begins HIGH SCHOOL next year in the 9th grade!
Joe – finished the sixth with all A’s and is moving on to the 7th grade next year at St. Martin's. Really remarkable because he did it while being successful in football, basketball, and on two baseball teams, all the school year long!. I think he got in some golf and deep sea fishing with his dad as well.)
Issy - This future teacher is also a straight A student and keeps up with a social calendar the Queen of England would be impressed by! She has been a cheerleader and a soccer player. Issy is moving onward and upwards to the 5th grade.

Aidan – still has a few more days of school to go, but in Greek costume, he will present the story of King Midas at his school’s open house. (Oh how I would love to be in the room for that!) In addition to being his team's leading batter, Aidan has taken up running track, completing 60 laps in 75 minutes… such perseverance! He will be graduating to the 4th grade when school starts up again.
William – has had an exceptional growth year, not only has he been placed in all TAG classes throughout the year, he is a delight and will no doubt catch up with all the rest of his cousins very soon! I would be remiss not to mention that this 7 year old also picks up his toys, without being told to, when he comes to Mimi’s house!
With much pride I congratulate this super bunch of hard working, fabulous children. You have made us all very proud by your effort to give your best.
Have a great summer! Can’t wait until we are all together at Grayton!