A magical birthday party was given Sunday afternoon to celebrate the occasion of William's fourth birthday. With family, and parents and siblings of William's little guests, the house was filled with people enjoying the festivities. Delicious goodies to eat, magic hats (filled with rabbits, magic cards, and William's own personal logo printed tee-shirts), Grab bags to win, top-hat cakes to decorate, a terrific magic show staring Will's own Andrew and Emily, gifts to open, and more; no detail was left out of this delightful celebration!

Will was a gracious host, thanking everyone many times for gifts and always hugging hello and goodbye.
We left him delightfully full of chocolate and enjoying his new blending pens at the kitchen table.
Happy Birthday William!!!
What a party to remember. Happy Birthday, Sweet Will!
The party planners are going to take a hiatus now! A good rest and a few party conventions scheduled throughout the year and we'll be back on our game in November! So watch out and keep checking the blog!
Blessings sweet family
Kim (I think the above comment is from Kim)- You are just too cute! But, what about a party for me in June...or is that a convention? =>)
all the little boys on the couch with the hats...CUTEST THING EVER.
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