This coming Monday, Kate and Jeremy are off to Europe...
They will see; Paris (about 4 days)->Avignon->Marseille->Carcassonne->Barcellona and other places inbetween. Feb. 10 ( Jeremy's Birthday!) they fly to Dublin (for about 3 days)->Cork->Gallway->Aran Islands->and back to Shannon Airport on Feb. 27th.
Sounds like quite an adventure! I am sure I speak for all of us when I wish them well and God Speed. May you stay healthy and safe, enjoy all you see, and broaden your horizons...and Jeremy, have a "Happy Birthday!".
Dad and I will be waiting for your return. Bon voyage!
Thnaks, mom! I was just about to post about this, but you beat me to it =) To all: we'll be avaiable by email with fair regularity. See you on the flip side!!!
For those of you who read this blog, be advised that Kate is chronicling her trip on her own blog, pie in the sky (moon-pie.blogspot.com) from stops at internet cafes along the way. Don't miss Family Chatterbox or Pie in the Sky. Love, Grandad.
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