2006 was a wonderful Christmas. Kate home and in the kitchen cooking up delicious things, the Caroling Party at To

m and Kim's, being with Mike and Mary at the Lawyer's Club Christmas Party, keeping up with Molly
and Shannon's adventures while Molly was in China, beautiful singing at the candle light Christmas Eve service, the sweet gathering at Mimi and Grandad's on Christmas morning, our blessed time at Nana's house and of course the addition of Jeremy Friedman to our celebration. Each moment together, each thoughtful gift, phone call or Christmas card made for a joyous season.
Smiles and special visits....

Playing games....and Grandad's supprise....

...even a hint of Santa Claus' excitment....

Christmas morning came and without a doubt, the magic was in the air. We laughed and we played and marveled at the gifts. We even felt the loving arms of love of those far away.

Grandad gets love

from the Pedersons and Keegan!
I know I've gone on far too long but I am so
very grateful for all those I hold dear and in some weird and wonderful way...
I can't wait for next year!
I love you,

wonderful pictures! thanks again for the best of holidays. you look gorgeous in that last one.
that was a really great Christmas with you. Thanks for doing it every year.
I am glad I was there for the wonderful Christmas!
Mimi is a truly merry Merry. I love her. Grandad
to be honest, I have not checked out this site since it first got started and I am VERY impressed. I have no clue whether this post works or not but i'm experimenting. ford has his last basketball game tomorrow. they have lost EVERY game the entire season so please keep your fingers crossed that they win at least one! ford got asked to be on an ALTA tennis team so that is pretty cool. Morgan is busy doing her rockclimbing -- that is quickly becoming her new sport. I even have a harness so I can belay her. she has been asked by the Coach to join the climbing team when she gets a little older. the rock climbing wall is just 5 blocks away so an easy walk. but the biggest news of all is that last night Shannon got asked to be an official assistant coach for Ford's new baseball team. He has always been an unofficial assistant to the assistant but this is a huge deal. the head coach is a really nice guy who lives very close to us. the cutest thing is how excited ford is about it which is very sweet. shannon is already studying all the rules so he is ready to be the one to argue with the officials (sorry Grandad, but you will have to not say anything rude since now you will have an official role as the "Father of the Assistant Coach." I am feeling pretty powerful as the "Wife of the Assistant Coach" (I already got business cards made). All the other parents are going to be trying to schmooze me thinking I can help their kid get moved up in the order. Maybe I could even have a reserved seat in the bleachers. Maybe I won't even have to bring snacks! yeah, right. I told Ford I would fill in for Shannon when he could not be there which scared him a lot.
thanks to those of you who checked out the updated Croft web site. Mimi -- thanks for your suggestion. It is hard work being a superhero.
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