Tonight the house is back in perfect order. The television in the basement is silent. Terr is upstairs in his office and I in the Kitchen/Den. My mother just sent an inspiring forward. The performers on American’s Got Talent sing and dance. It’s Tuesday night, Kate and Simon moved on today... westward, to see New Orleans, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona...I miss their essence in the house.

Eddie, the painter, calls from Northcroft to report his progress on the cabin…Stonehenge gray. Kimberly called to share another “God” moment with me. Shannon thinks we are on the same flight to San Francisco this week end where we will go in love and support of Bethann and Adrienne as they celebrate their commitment to each other .

Mike just sent a text message saying good night with a salutation of love that touched my heart…
God, I pray I am doing right by your gifts. I am so grateful for all you have given me. Please, protect my dear family and make Your presence known in their lives, for only You are worthy of praise. May I love fully and without condition, just as you love me. Thank you.
Oh Merry , how you are loved. Travel safe. I will be praying.
Beautiful, busy blog! I hope your
plane ride is pleasent and perhaps you can nap on plane.
Everybody busy.
I am OK.
Beautiful, busy blog! I hope your
plane ride is pleasent and perhaps you can nap on plane.
Everybody busy.
I am OK.
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