Today has been a very busy day. I am packing for our annual Family Summer Vacation, which begins tomorrow, as well as getting ready to receive our out-of-town children and grandchildren that are coming in at various times tonight. The rest will meet here in the morning and we will caravan to
Grayton Beach. Each car has a code name and a set of
walkie-talkies so we can keep up with each other on the way. It is an exciting time that we all look forward to. We are having a "Green
Grayton" this year...as in, sustainably. We intend to make it as environmentally correct as we can make it. I will let you know how it works out!

Anyway, while preparing for all this, I thought about my best friend, my confidante and my sister, Judy. Boy, what would I do without her. She understands me when no one else does and likes me anyway. She keeps me informed about family stuff and most importantly gives me another connection to our Mother, as they live near each other. She has been my glue when my world felt like it was falling apart and she shares my joy as if it is hers. I really like my sister, she makes it okay to be me.
You may be asking, so why all this talk of your Sister? Two reason, one is; I hope we are bonding our family with each passing year that we live and play together. It is so important to have each other to lean on in bad times and to rejoice with in the good. Secondly... Tomorrow is her birthday and I want to wish her everything that is good and the time to savor it all (she stays pretty busy).

So, Happy Birthday, dear little Sister. I've loved your all your life and will continue to do so.
I'll call you from the car on the way to
Grayton. :)