Over the years, as her writing has become exceptional and I have come to understand the value of a my small town upbringing, her little books have become even more endearing and I more proud of where I come from.
I spent five days in Tennessee recently and came home filled with a sense of strong family values and devotion... Kate's book says: "My Mom loves m
I love it when my Mom comes into my room with a steaming cup of coffee, to talk while I'm making my bed or getting dressed for an outing. I feel like a young girl again and she is giving me some one on one attention. We laugh about being two old ladies together.
I love it when we visit my Father's grave, replacing old flowers with new, pulling weeds away from his sweet grave stone that Mom will one day share with him. When we finished, we read the names of all our family ancestors that are buried nearby: my sister, Betty, my Uncle Johnny, my grandparents Herman and Lela, my great-grandparents William Wilson and Laura Ada, my g-g-grandparents Richard and Molly, Robert and Nancy Owen and all those in between. Makes me feel solid.
I guess my point is, I am so proud of that boy (I know he's a man, but he's my brother's son) and I love him for wanting to do what he could for us. I owe him big time and I will pray for him daily that the pain goes away in his wrists and he will recover from this affliction. I usually only write about my children and grandchildren on Chatterbox, but this young man touched my heart and I in turn will always be there for him. Thanks Joshua!
I didn't mention that my sister had a car wreck and suffered a broken nose (broken in 4 places!) which required surgery. She totaled her car, and is facing many more days of missed work! But the good news is that she will heal and is going to be okay. For this I am so grateful! I was just glad that I was there to see her, cook dinner at her house and know that nothing could keep us apart and away from shopping together! God bless my sister, and my best friend. (I won't insert that picture I took with my cell phone...she would kill me!)
As always it was good to be back in Tennessee. I took Mom with me to the monthly luncheon of the ladies of the class of '65. Later, we watched old movies, cleaned the fish tank and just hung out together. How many 62 year old women do you know that can still go to the home they grew up in, with their mother still there, along with the memories and the laughter.
Again, I am blessed.
Did we really have that much fun?
It truly was a wonderful few days.
I enjoyed every moment. You girls
keep me active.
I will be anxiously for the next
Great blog, covered every days
activities. Takes so little to
make us happy.
What a great blog. I love the pictures, especially of Mom bringing you coffee. Sorry, I missed the week.
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