Other weekend news...
I remember once, a beautiful little girl that went to her first dance at the age of three. It was aboard a wonder ship at sea. When the music started and the spot light came on, she " Danced and danced and danced in the light". God bless little girls and the memories you make with them. They live forever.
Grandad joined his sons, Shannon and then Michael, to watch his favorite Atlanta baseball players today. Ford and Joe didn't disappoint this devoted fan. They provided a chance for their sick grandfather to sit in the sun and soak up the rays while forgetting the past week of flu and enjoying life on the ball field again! These guys are
terrific and boy can they play ball!
It was a win win!!!
Later, after Issy's soccer game, the family rushed home to get Mike and Isabelle ready for the annual Father/Daughter Dance. Could there be anything sweeter...
The Sabonis-Chafee's have also had an adventurous weekend. Not only did they host fourteen 13 year-old boys Friday and Saturday nights for the male
part of a youth Church retreat (Em had her on retreat), but they also were also found Sunday morning playing the parts of Peter and a spice girl (not like our modern day Spice Girl singers...maybe she grew the spices and sold them or something?) on the 'tour through Jerusalem", for the children of Apostles. The children are getting ready for Easter by learning what it was like in the days of the Crucifixion. Kim and Tom have been a part of this for many years, usually with their children at their feet, but because of the retreats, Emily and Andrew were so busy and tired that they did not participate, and slept...no, no, no, sat quietly in Church.) Anyway, I'm just saying, if you want to know what it was like back in those days, I bet they have the answers. I'm throwing in a picture of a
Roman Centurion for effect...and because he is a good friend of ours when off duty.
It was a joyous Palm Sunday as we waved our Palm branches to songs of Hallelujah! The sermon was Tetelestai..."It is finished", and never to end.
This spice girl is tired! But what a great way to usher in the holy week--sharing with the children of Apostles what it was like to live back in the days of Jesus.However, I'm grateful that God chose me to live in the 21st century instead of in Jesus' day. Those outfits make any women feel like a ugly tent maker! Thank you God for your wisdom!
As we enter into this week, I pray that we all are reminded frequently of Jesus' preparation for his ultimate sacrifice on Friday. Each year, my walk becomes sweeter this time of year as the Lord continues to transform my heart in what it really meant to me when he was crucified. And just when I think I fully understand it, he shows me more......
Thank you, my Lord.
Note from Kate's Mama: Kate just told me that I misquoted her; she said, "I danced and I danced and I danced, in the red." (The spotlight was evidently a red light.) Sorry Kate, you sure did!
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