TLC's ad looked really good in the Daily Report. He has had many call of compliments and admiration. I too am very proud of the level of success he has achieved in the legal world. Thank you for sharing that success with all of us...Long live the King...and CROFT!
(Be sure to double click on the ad, it will enlarge so you can read it.)
Mimi...(and T-your beloved -M)
well you know, he is Kind of a Big Deal.
Really proud of you, Dad. I love you!
I expected nothing less. What else would you expect to the father of the assistant coach of Fords new
baseball team. You may even get a megaphone so that your opinions can be head a little louder.
I am proud of my son-in-law.
Mom Patton, the nana
Better words would have been of
and heard. But you have to overlook
someone looking at 80
Wow big daddy. You truly are big daddy! So proud of you. bo
The Fulton County Daily Report ran my full page ad, again, today. They had messed up the contrast and the colors a bit, so they agreed to a re-run at no cost and Henning accepted. So I am on page 2 of the Valentine's Day edition! I have received many favorable comments, and no snide ones, on the ad. Also, Atlanta Magazine has printed a section on Georgia SuperLawyers, which features a side-bar by me, with a thumbprint photo, on why ADR is good to use. I am also selected as a 2007 Georgia SuperLawyer in the field of ADR. When it rains, it pours!
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