Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Family Business

Pausing to enjoy...

Daughters and Granddaughters...Wow!

Mike and Joe just came back from a successful fishing trip in the Keys.

Shannon called me today to check in and let me know that everyone is crazy busy but all doing well.

The Sabonis-Chafees spent the day with us on Saturday. Tom helped me with a neighborhood directory that I am putting together, and the big four entertained us as they worked on their Apostlelot Script for the next day's Sunday School.

Beth is hard at work, preparing and getting closer to taking the Bar Exam in February.

Alan, Kris and the boys are spending as much time as possible together, getting to know each other better.

Kate and Jeremy are doing well and celebrating the inauguration of our new President.

Terr and I are just enjoying the fullness of life and, thanks be to God, good health!

Let me know if you have any news, I'm all about spreading it!

Oh! Don't forget, as requested by our new president, to keep your eyes open for something good you can do to help out your country. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely "bunch" of ladies!
    I got em! I love em!
