All is well tonight at 600. Mom is sleeping in her bed and seems to be feeling well enough to plan on having a gift exchange, here at the house, next Saturday. I am leaving for home in the morning so I can regroup and come back for a delayed Patton Christmas next week end.
Mom is a trouper and in her 81 year old way is living life to its fullest! My brother, his wife, my sister and her husband, are just awesome in the way that they take care of Mom. I sing their praises.
The beautifully wrapped packages are waiting to be opened. Greetings, hugs, stories and laughter are waiting to be shared.
Looks like I'll be home for Christmas after all. Please continue to keep Mother in your prayers.
So glad that Nana is feeling better. Wish we could be with you next weekend - the whole family is in our hearts. Love you.