Sunday, May 06, 2007

From the pencil of a dreamer...

I am a bird playing in the wind.
I am a feather drifting.
I am the shadow of a child.
I am the wind brushing against the leaves of an oak tree.
I am the summer.
I am the yellow rays of the sun.
I am a dreamer, a dreamer of all these things.

By Keegan, age 8...
In the early morning, alone at home with his mother.

(Keep dreaming Keegan, for I am a dreamer too and I see you. Mimi)


  1. That is pure beauty. Keegan.
    Wish my poetry would sound that way.

  2. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Keegan, this is a terrific poem. You should submit it for publication. Keep writing poetry. You have a real talent. Love, Grandad.
